
Africa New Story Imag

The dust is finally settling after an incredible effort from the Datamars Livestock team at this year’s NAMPO, beginning with a 4am start, heavily loaded vehicles and an 18-hour journey to the show. 

South Africa’s biggest annual agricultural event, NAMPO was attended by over 86,000 visitors over the 4-day period. 

We exhibited a range of products to suit the audience, who are predominantly cattle, sheep and goat farmers, plus feedlot operators.

Countless hours of preparation go into the event, from social media posts promoting our stand, to the physical labour involved in building the display and connecting the compressors and electricity cables. A key benefit of events like these is being able to provide live product demonstrations, with our trained team showcasing our solutions, highlighting the quality of our products and providing marketing material to interested farmers. 

The products were set up to encourage attendees to easily move between them, to see the entire product and encourage requests for a demonstration. Certain scenarios were pre-setup e.g. drafting on various criteria, to show the functionality of the equipment.

An event highlight was the ‘Guess the weight of the World Champion Limousine Bull’ competition. The weighing was done on a Cattle Master equipped with Tru-Test MP600 Load Bars and an S3 Indicator. If you missed the actual weight, it was 1,130 kilos!

World-class support is part of the Datamars Livestock promise and the week after the event, we followed up all attendees who had expressed interest in our solutions. It was great to see many new contacts at the event, as well as catching up with our loyal customers. 

And the most popular piece of equipment? Our brand-new RFID Cattle Master stole the show. We sold six of them at the event!